Here is the whole stash at a glance.

Now to pick through it all!
First, here are the prefolds. They're just the gerber prefolds. Nothing luxurious, but they certainly get the job done! Some of mine have this polyester pad sewn in the middle, some don't. These days I'm actually preferring the ones that do, just b/c it's extra absorbency and seems to snappi better (in my opinion).

Next are my flats! These are all I have of my flat diapers. I like them okay. I just got them not too long ago and am still getting used to getting an awesome fit with these. If I work at it, I can get it, but with as much as Blake hates diaper changes, getting that awesome fit is a very hard thing to achieve (escape artist!). I think with practice though I'll get better at it. :) I do like how ultra trim they are thought! Trimmest diaper ever.

These are all my doublers and inserts and such. Starting from the left, we have the plaid fleece liners I made (I put these on the top layer of a lot of his diapers, amazing at pulling the wetness away!), brown microfiber towels (I use these mostly in the pockets I make, or sometimes wrap them in a prefold and use them in my Flip covers), under those is a fleece lined Kissaluv's doubler, then my stay dry Flip inserts, hemp doublers from Hemp Babies (these are amazing!), then some microfiber newborn inserts from BumGenius, and then above that some terry washcloths. Those make nice trim doublers. :)

These are all my fleece pull up covers. I'm not a big fan of these. They do what they're supposed to do, and are SUPER cute, but what a pain to get on, and over a diaper! They're just such a battle to pull on, I don't use them a whole lot. But in a pinch, they will do.

All my other diaper covers! All of these except for the one with the trees are Flip covers. Favorite covers ever! I'm in love with these. And the whole one size is cool. :) The cute cover with trees is a Thirsties Duo Wrap. Super cute! But everytime I've used it, I've had a leak or at lease pee on the outside on the first wear. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I don't know, but I don't feel like I'm any beginner at putting on diaper covers, so I don't know! I've seen so many raves on these covers, I feel like I should love them too! So maybe I am doing it wrong, don't know!

These are my wipes. This was my first diaper sewing project. It's just flannel that's surged. They work pretty well though! I have a ton of them, and use them for everything. :)

Now for my bumgenius AIO and some fitted diapers. I really like these diapers, both of them! I'm sad that they And making the bamboo fitteds though. At lease I can still buy the AIO's!

And finally, the diapers I made! In this order, fitted pocket, AIO pocket, fitted pocket!

Let's take a closer look at these newbies:

Last I would like to say I also have three gDiapers. I don't really ever use them. They're SO cute, but I can't get a good fit with them. I think it's because Blake's thighs are so tiny. My friend uses them and they work well with her! But anyway, I just forgot to take a picture of them. Oops!
Well, that's about it! Hopefully more to come, because I'm loving making some diapers lately. :)
Nice! I love all of the colors!
Thank you! :)
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