Anyway, he is getting so big! I mean, no where near where a five month old usually is, but compared to where he started at, it's amazing. :) He's such a little sweetheart. And he's starting to interact with strangers more. Normally he wouldn't smile or anything around people outside of family. I'm sooo glad he's starting to.
I started him on solids. The first day he loved it, but after that, not so much. :( I've been trying every morning, but still not much enthusiasm. Maybe he's not really ready yet. Just all of his doctors have told me to start him, so I did. Ugh, and I still haven't went to get him vaccinated. I don't really want to do it. I just think it's weird that a lot of people that I know have had theirs vax'd, and have been sick. Blake isn't, and hasn't even had a cold. Stella isn't, and she hasn't been sick either. Coincidence? Maybe. But his doctors urged it, since he's got all these other problems, and his pediatrician isn't one to push vaccinations, so I'm guessing it's really important that I do it. Nothing about motherhood is going as I planned. But I'd never trade Blake in for the world.
He's almost sitting up on his own. :) SO close! OH, and yesterday Blake saw Stella and they were just smiling and smiling at each other, so so soooo precious. I wish I got a picture! Speaking of pictures, I did get him some 4 month/Christmas pictures done. :) Check them out!

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