So much good news! Okay, first off, Nate finally got hired! He got a job at a classy restaurant that's very close to our house. Yay! What a relief. It feels so nice to know that we'll have an income! And tomorrow he's leaving for a quick trip to Florida to check out this really nice opportunity. But, I'm going to leave y'all in the dark until we know more about it. :)
Anyway, earlier this month Nate and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary! I can't believe it's already been a year. But at the same time, this past year has been so extremely eventful, it's hard to believe it's only been a year. And I'm still so in love with him! We didn't really do anything too special; had lunch at Cracker Barrel and then he cooked dinner that night. We had wanted to go on this train ride that also serves dinner and such, but money was/is tight, so maybe next year.

The night of our anniversary, Sophia really started walking more! She still doesn't do it alone all the time, but it's been more frequent! I hope she's a pro at it by her first birthday. I can't believe that her birthday is in less than a month. Holy cow. Time is seriously flying by! She's definitely starting to look more like a toddler and less like a baby, and it's sooooo bittersweet. And gives me baby fever. But that's a whole other story. She still doesn't really eat solids too well. Her gag reflex is super sensitive, so yeah. But, she's still happy and healthy on primarily breast milk, so I'm not too worried! She'll figure it out when she's ready. In the mean time, I'll just keep offering her food to practice with and watch her closely.
I finished the TV stand! And I've got to say, I'm really happy with it! We still need to get the cords behind the wall and I still need to decorate the top a little more, but yeah! I also plan to get a big basket for the bottom shelf to add some texture. I'm not 100% sure on what I'm going to store in it, but I'm thinking probably some of Sophia's toys. Possibly her blocks? I'll figure something out.
Other than that, things have been pretty quiet. I've been busy sewing some things, but I'm going to wait until my friend receives them before posting photos! It's a gift, so obviously don't want to spoil it for her! Anyway, I suppose that's all for this post. Hopefully Nate will come home with good news Monday night!
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