So let's see, where to start? I guess I'll start out by talking about baby. :) At 16 weeks we got to find out the gender and got a couple of good pictures, but I'll save all that for the end (suspense!). At my last appointment I weighed 109.2, so I've gained 4lbs total this pregnancy, after losing 7 lbs in the beginning due to morning sickness. BTW, I haven't had any of that since 15 weeks so WOO! But anyway, I'm still negative 4 lbs, but at least I have been gaining and not at an ungodly rate. Besides, baby is bigger this second half, so I'm about to start gaining MUCH faster. Yay?
I can't believe I'm already 20 weeks along. That's halfway! Maybe even less if little baby decides to debut a couple weeks early. :) Which would be exciting, but stressful since I'll still be in school at that time. I'm due the 12th (according to my early ultrasound though it's the 9th), and I don't get out of school for Christmas break until the 21st. I still don't know what I'm gunna do about that, but I figured that I would just worry more about it when the time got closer. I mean, I'm a good student, I show up, I have a 4.0 in my classes, so surely they wouldn't kick me out, right? I just hope they work with me, since we graduate in the beginning of January. Please!
So anyway, I had an ultrasound done at 19 weeks, and what a relief! Three vessel cord! Yay! I know that isn't a guarantee that everything will be fine (though I of course hope it will be), but still. That's where all of Blake's problems started, so I'm glad to at least be free of that. So far everything looks great. Baby was the same gender as the 16 week ultrasound, baby weighed just over half a pound, and (s)he was in the 54th percentile. And holy long legs! They looked long at 16 weeks, but they had just gone on a growth spurt at that point. But they are still long! The legs were measuring 19 weeks 6 days, while the rest was at 19 weeks 1-2 days. Now I know for a fact those aren't from me! Haha, guess that one's all Nate. :)
Now, for some news that is less baby related. We're moving! Into a house of our own! Well, not completely our own, since we will still be renting, but we won't have ANY roommates. :) Thank God. I felt like I was about to kill these two sometimes. I'm soooo excited though. It's a cute three bedroom two bath HOUSE with a cute yard and a work bench in the garage and a big open kitchen and wood floors throughout and a walk in closet...would you like me to go on? Me and Nate both fell in love I think, and only for $775 a month. Yes, please. :D I just would like to move right NOW. But we will be moving in a week from Wednesday, on the 1st, so soon! I can't wait to decorate everything, especially the baby room of course. I already have ideas of what I want, so I'm anxious to get on it. Plus, once we're in, I'll be using all the baby stuff, so no more $90/month storage unit! You know I love saving money. :)
Let's see what else...well I officially will have my braces on Thursday (today is Sunday, by the way). FINALLY. I have a mold right now that's an exact copy of my teeth that I wear every once in a while, but these on Thursday will actually be corrective. Yay! Kind of. I'm not excited for how sore my teeth will be, since they were sore even with the tray I have now. But it will be so worth it once I have my straight teeth and a better smile.
Well, I think that's about it with all of the updates. Now onto the fun parts: pictures! :D

Soooo excited for bows and tutus! Nate's excited period, and can't wait to be a dad. This is so different from the first pregnancy, in a good way mostly. Everything just seems to be falling into place. :D
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