so yesterday was the ultrasound and it is in fact a two vessel umbilical cord. which means that i'm now considered a high risk pregnancy. so far everything looks good though, he got a fetal echocardiogram along with the ultrasound and the doctor said that right now everything sounds perfect. but yay for more ultrasounds! we FINALLY got a profile shot, he is so cute. looks like me still so far haha. and he weighs 13 ounces right now. getting so big! :) oh and he got his first case of hiccups this morning. i can't wait for him to get them again! so without further ado, here are the pics from yesterday! (21 weeks 6 days)
here is his face. and an eyeball lol. looks like my chin!

good news! still a boy! so i can keep all this boy stuff hehe. :)

profile! and his cute little hand up by his face. so cute.

another profile! looks like mine too!

and last but not least, my belly at 22 weeks!
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