The doctors are worried that he's not gaining enough though. Last week he was up to 4 lbs 14.8 oz, but still that was at exactly six weeks. He should be gaining faster than that. Tomorrow I'm bringing him back for a weight check, so I'm hoping that he's over five pounds now. That'd be cool. :)
Breast feeding is getting easier. Kinda. He still won't latch without the shield, but he's getting more proficient at the whole sucking thing. I've eliminated bottles too, so he hasn't had any in I think four days. :) And no formula for three, almost four days. Woo! :D But now he pretty much nurses all day. For real. That's pretty much all he does. At least my supply seems good, but I need to start saving some up for when I go back to work. Really I think I only need to save enough for the first day, and then I can just use what I pumped at work for the next day I work. Luckily she's only starting me out on two-three days a week. I go back the first of October. Not looking forward to it. But Blake's expensive and I definitely need to make money. Anyway, I've started seeing a lactation consultant to help me and Blake out, and I've started going the the La Leche League meetings. I love them! They make me feel like I'm not alone in my struggles. :)
So I didn't plan on it, but I've kinda gotten into attachment parenting. I co-sleep with Blake, he doesn't like to sleep any other way, plus I can respond to him quicker. I hold him all the time and I'm going to get a wrap so that I can do so hands free (can't wait!). I was only planing to breast feed for the first year, but I might go longer, like maybe two, three years. I don't know, I'll see how I feel about it then. I'm kinda wanting to check into cloth diapering too. Well, I've already checked into it, but I can't try it until he's bigger unless I wanted to use prefolds, which i don't really, so I'm just gunna wait. Besides, it'll be nice to use up most of these disposable diapers that everyone got me.
Blake can almost fit into newborn clothes now. :) A lot of them are still pretty big on him, but his preemie sleepers are too small on him now (he's so long!), so it's kind of an awkward stage, clothing wise. His preemie onesies and pants still fit, and he's starting to fit better into his newborn onesies (well, only some of them). He's getting there though.
Finally, now it's picture time. :) These were from 3 weeks, and he's getting his one month pictures soon, I think next week sometime. Yay! I'm so excited, I hope he cooperates. ♥

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